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Mothman Scene - The Magicians Season 1 Episode 01
The Magicians - The Beast Appears Scene (S1E1)
Alice vs The Beast. The magicians. Best movie scene
The magician S01E01 Brakebills entrance exam
The Magicians: Season 1 Episode 1 (Magic Tricks) | Full Episode | Game Show Channel
The Magicians - Alice Stops The Beast Scene (S1E2)
The Magicians Spells: S1E1 - Quentin does his first bit of magic.
The Magicians - Quentin Wipes the Board Scene (S1E5)
Behind the Scenes "The Magicians S2" Tuts - Arjun
Behind the Scenes "The Magicians S2" Tuts - Rick
The Magicians Spells: S1E1 - Alice performs "The Glass Horse" or "Le Cheval de Verre"
The magicians: heist scene